Water management in the Mediterranean area for sustainable agriculture.

Project website


Mediterranean wAter management solutions for a sustainable aGriculture supplied by an Online collaborative platform

PRIMA MAGO project provides innovative solutions in the field of water management for agriculture (irrigation, reuse, and adaptation to climate change) in the Mediterranean region, focusing in particular on the challenge posed by climate change.

MAGO aims to establish a connection between research results, the real needs of the market, and end users in the field of food safety and water management in the Mediterranean. In 2022 work was carried out on the development of different digital applications through a collaborative platform WEMED with web applications for agriculture in the Mediterranean.

Thanks to this initiative, more than 10 applications have been developed in real environments, specifically in 4 case studies: Tunisia, Spain, France, and Lebanon. In the case of the Spanish study, 3 tools have been implemented for the management of regenerated water, 1 solution for the management of water quality in irrigation ponds and 1 solution for the evaluation of agricultural lands.

Duration: February 2021 - April 2024
Coordinator: Cetaqua Barcelona
Aigües de Barcelona, CSIC and Área Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) from Spain, INRAE and LISODE in France, University of Thesally (UTH) in Greece, INRGREF and Ezzayra Solutions (EZZAYRA) from Tunisia, American University of Beirut (AUB) in Lebanon, and Meta Anatolia in Turkey.

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