Towards greater protection of marine ecosystems through the implementation of
more effective and sustainable wastewater treatment technologie


Towards greater protection of marine ecosystems through the implementation of
more effective and sustainable wastewater treatment technologie

The marine ecosystem of Galicia, mainly composed of estuaries, is one of the most biodiverse in the world. Fishing and aquaculture are important activities in the Rías Baixas, representing 3% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product. However, these activities generate significant amounts of wastewater that require proper treatment.

LIFE SEACAN has demonstrated the potential of two biofilm-based technologies (aerobic granular sludge and hybrid bioreactors) applied to reduce the impact of industrial activity on marine ecosystems. The LIFE SEACAN prototype has been installed in a representative fish canning factory located in the Rías Baixas, Galicia, where almost 80% of Spanish fish canning companies are concentrated.

LIFE SEACAN uses biofilm-based technologies to reduce the environmental impact of the canning industry

The project has demonstrated the effectiveness of biofilm technologies in treating biodegradable wastewater. These technologies have been successfully applied in different cases, promoting the development of aerobic granules in a sequential biological reactor and combining suspended and attached growth in a hybrid bioreactor. In addition to the canning industry, these technologies are suitable for treating effluents from the dairy, food, and beverage industries.

The LIFE Seacan project is funded by the LIFE program, a financial instrument of the European Union dedicated to the environment and climate change. Its overall aim is to contribute to the implementation, updating, and development of EU policies and legislation on the environment and climate change through co-financed projects with European added value. This website solely reflects the author’s opinion. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Budget: 1722373 €
Duration: July 2016 - October 2019
Coordinator: Cetaqua

ompared to conventional wastewater treatment technologies, LIFE SEACAN brings:


of the carbon footprint in the implementation of the technology


of the energy consumption


of nitrogen removed, improving the quality of the effluent


of carbon footprint reduction

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