CIGAT Circular

Contributing to the decarbonisation of Galicia by converting waste into resources

Project website

CIGAT Circular

CIGAT Circular Joint Research Centre, the maximum modality within the Joint Research Units Programme, proposes a comprehensive model to transform waste from industrial, urban, agricultural and rural sources into high added value resources with the aim of transforming  Galicia into a carbon neutral region.

Framed within the Joint Research Centres 2022 programme, it is the result of the evolution of the Joint Units CIGAT (2015-2018) and CIGAT BIOFACTORY (2018-2021). 

CIGAT Circular will work on different lines of research and innovation around four main axes: water, energy, by-products and digital. The water axis will focus on the development of advanced treatments for the elimination of microplastics and obtaining reusable water. The energy axis will promote the production of renewable energy from organic wastes by its conversion in green hydrogen and biomethane.

The by-products axis will develop technologies for the production of biocomposites with high added value and the recovery and use of resources present in waste flows. Last one,  the digital axis, will catalyze the creation and consolidation of sustainable business models based on circular value chains.

Duration: May 2022 - September 2025
Coordinator: Cetaqua Galicia
Viaqua, Axencia Galega de Innovación

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