CO2 Capture and Valorization for the Development of a Sustainable Route to Produce Green Synthetic Fuels for Shipping


The SUPORT project was created with the objective of developing innovative technologies for the production of sustainable marine fuel. This is achieved through the capture and revalorization of CO2, converting it into a valuable product, thus incentivizing its capture and emission reduction.

SUPORT’s research focuses on three main branches. In the first, Cetaqua will work on obtaining hydrogen of biological origin from organic waste, while IREC will focus on obtaining a synthesis gas through a high-temperature co-electrolysis process. The third branch of the project focuses on the use of this synthesis gas to generate marine synthetic gas oil through a chemical process. The integration of these three branches into a single prototype aims to demonstrate the feasibility of sustainable synthetic fuel production.

This contract is part of the project PLEC2022-009250, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.

Duration: December 2022 - December 2026
Coordinator: Instituto de Investigación en Energía de Cataluña (IREC)
IREC, CIMNE-CENIT, CETAQUA, Aigües de Barcelona, Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona
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