Innovative solutions for generating bioenergy and reusable water from wastewater


Innovative solutions for generating bioenergy and reusable water from wastewater

LIFE SIAMEC provides a response to the growing problem of a scarcity of acceptable quality water, which affects approximately 70% of the European population. This issue is particularly prominent in southern countries, where climate change has a greater impact, leading to floods and droughts. The project aimed to demonstrate, on a pilot scale, an innovative technology that utilizes ambient-temperature anaerobic digestion of urban or industrial wastewater.

This system sustainably generates bioenergy and reusable water, while also reducing sludge management costs and regenerating water.

A project aligned with the strategies of the European Union for the efficient use of water resources

The overall objective of the LIFE SIAMEC project is to promote a shift in the conventional concept of wastewater treatment, moving from resource-consuming processes to more sustainable treatment systems that also enhance the quality of treated water and enable water reuse practices throughout Europe.

Among the specific objectives are the development of innovative solutions for water recycling and regeneration, as well as resource recovery and reuse; addressing the integrated management of nutrient and organic matter pollution in wastewater; implementing sustainable water-saving measures in water-scarce regions, and developing more efficient wastewater treatment technologies.

The LIFE Siamec project is funded by the LIFE program, a financial instrument of the European Union dedicated to the environment and climate change. Its overall aim is to contribute to the implementation, updating, and development of EU policies and legislation on the environment and climate change through co-financed projects with European added value. This website solely reflects the author’s opinion. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Budget: 2165517 €
Duration: September 2015 - March 2019
Coordinator: Cetaqua

Results achieved throughout the project

During the three-year execution of the project, the following results were achieved:


nitrogen removed without external carbon inputs


of methane emissions associated with ambient-temperature anaerobic treatment


of sludge production compared to conventional processes


of economic and environmental costs of the wastewater treatment process

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