A revolutionary approach to maximise water reuse and resource recovery from industrial processes through a smart, circular and integrated solution

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The R3VOLUTION project, funded by the European Union as a member of the Processes4Planet initiative, aims to revolutionise industrial water management in Europe. To do so, it will promote sustainable and efficient consumption practices regarding resources and water, implementing key innovations to facilitate economic, environmental, and operational water recovery.

Over four years, the project partners will develop tailored membrane-based treatment trains, complemented by the use of waste heat, together with a digital process assistant. These innovations will aim to maximise resource recovery and will be designed to achieve an optimal configuration for various industrial environments, mitigating implementation risks and providing critical operational support.

Four pilot-scale demonstration cases will be conducted for four different industries: bio-based chemical industry, petrochemical industry, pulp and paper industry, and steel industry.

Duration: January 2024 - December 2027
Coordinator: Cetaqua
Seureca, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Felix Schoeller, UPC, CELSA, VITO, Bloom Biorenewables, Repsol, VTT, Imperial College London, CERTH, IDENER, Z-PRIME, SINTEF Energy, IWW Zentrum Wasser, Iconiq Innovation

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