Strategic, tactical and operational protection of water infrastructure against cyber-physical threats.

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Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats (STOP-IT)

New tools and a common European strategy to protect infraestructure.

As part of this project, water operators will be provided with tools to assess, simulate, detect, and manage a potential intrusion into their physical facilities or cyber-attacks. We evaluated several online sensors to be used for rapidly detecting chemical and microbiological contamination in drinking water. This led to a set of recommendations being developed for the selection and use of sensors in the distribution network.

Furthermore, for the Aigües de Barcelona distribution network, a support tool has been developed for operators which recommends what actions should be taken to recover the service affected by breakdowns and work as quickly as possible, while at the same time optimising operating costs.

Duration: July 2017 - June 2021
Coordinator: SINTEF
Cetaqua Barcelona, Aigües de Barcelona, Aplicatzia Software House, ATOS, Ayuntamiento de Bergen, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, BWB, De Watergroep, Emasagra, Eurecat, Hessenwasser, ICCS, IWW, KWR, Mekorot, Mnemonic, Oslo kommune Vann, OYLO, PNO Innovation, RISA, Technion, Worldsensing, WssTP